Cool truckers don’t idle!
When it comes to high fuel costs, nobody gets hit harder than truckers. And now, state and municipal regulations from coast to coast are introducing “no-idle” restrictions to limit engine noise and emissions at loading docks and truck stops.
Idling engines cost you!* According to the EPA, idling costs the U.S. trucking industry about $3 billion per year. Fines for illegally idling your engine range from $50 to as much as $1,000 and/or 1 year imprisonment.
With Arctic BREEZE Truck AC, you can save the high cost of diesel and beat no-idle regulations by running on clean, efficient battery power.
Know where you're going! Keep up to speed on the no-idle zones along your truck routes, then plan to save money, stay legal and keep cool with Arctic BREEZE!
Use the menu below to check up on the state and municipal regulations* where you drive.
A "cab card" with all this information is available directly from American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI).
*Details on this page were compiled as a complimentary service by ATRI (April 2009). Although every effort has been made regarding both accuracy and current status, the information may not be up to date and is subject to change. Check your actual state, county or city codes.
No “No Idle”
The following states do not have “no idle” regulations enacted in their jurisdictions as of our latest information: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.
Check here regularly for updates.
Maricopa County, Arizona
Maximum Idling Time - 5 minutes (30 min. for bus passenger comfort or 60 min/90 min if greater than 75° F)
Fines: $100 - 1st violation $300 - 2nd + violations
• Traffic or adverse weather conditions
• Emergency or law enforcement purposes
• Power takeoff involving cargo or work functions
• Conform to manufacturer's specifications
• Maintenance or diagnostics
• Hours of service compliance
Maricopa County Vehicle Idling Restriction Ordinance.
Maricopa County Air Quality Department (602) 506-6010,
Maximum Idling Time - 5 minutes
Fines: Minimum $300 Subsequent penalties can range from $1,000 to $10,000
• Bus passengers are onboard or 10 minutes prior to boarding
• Traffic conditions
• Queuing beyond 100 ft. of residential
• Adverse weather conditions or mechanical difficulties
• Vehicle safety inspection
• Service or repair
• Power takeoff involving cargo or work functions
• Prevent safety or health emergency
• Emergency vehicles
CA Code of Regs, Title 13, Div. 3, Art. 1, Ch. 10, §2485.
California Air Resources Board (800) 242-4450,
City of Sacramento, California
Maximum Idling Time - 5 minutes (prohibits refrigeration unit operation within 100 ft. of residential or school unless loading/unloading)
Fines: Not <$100 nor >$25,000 per violation (Title 1, Ch. 1.28.010)
• Traffic conditions/control
• Traffic conditions
• Vehicle safety inspection
• Service or repair
• Conform to manufacturer's specifications
• Power takeoffs involving cargo or work functions
• Prevent safety or health emergency
• Hours of service compliance at truck/rest stop
• To recharge hybrid electric vehicles
Sacramento City Code, Title 8, Ch. 8.116.
City of Sacramento Department of Transportation (916) 264-5011,
Placer County, California
Maximum Idling Time - 5 minutes (prohibits refrigeration unit operation within 1,000 ft. of residential or school unless loading/unloading)
Fines: $50 Minimum
• Traffic conditions/control
• Traffic conditions
• Vehicle safety inspection
• Service or repair
• Conform to manufacturer's specifications
• Power takeoffs involving cargo or work functions
• Prevent safety or health emergency
• Hours of service compliance at truck/rest stop
• To recharge hybrid electric vehicles
• Operate intermittent equipment
• Alternatively fueled vehicles
• Attainment areas
Placer County Code, Article 10.14
Placer County Air Pollution Control District (530) 745-2330
City of Aspen, Colorado
Maximum Idling Time - 5 minutes within any 1 hour
Fines: $1,000 maximum and/or 1 year imprisonment (§1.04.080)
• Safety reasons
• To achieve an engine temperature of 120° F and an air pressure of 100 lbs./sq. in.
City of Aspen Municipal Code §13.08.110
Aspen Environmental Health Department (970) 920-5039,
City & County of Denver, Colorado
Maximum Idling Time - 10 minutes in any 1-hour period
Fines: Not >$999 and/or 1-year imprisonment (DMC §1-13)
• Less than 20° F for previous 24-hour period
• Less than 10° F
• Emergency vehicles
• Traffic conditions
• Being serviced
• Auxiliary equipment
Denver Municipal Code §4-43.
Denver Department of Environmental Health, Division of Environmental Quality
(720) 865-5452,
Maximum Idling Time - 3 minutes
Fines: Not >$5,000 per week (RCSA Title 22a §174-12(c))
• Traffic conditions or mechanical difficulties
• Ensure safety or health of driver/passengers
• Auxiliary equipment
• Conform to manufacturer's specifications
• Less than 20° F
• Maintenance
• Queuing to access military installation
Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies Title 22a, §174-18(b)(3).
State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection;
Bureau of Air Management (860) 424-3027,
Maximum Idling Time - 3 minutes
(15 minutes: 32° to -10° F; No limit: Less than -10° F)
Fines: $50 - $500 per offense (Title 7, Ch. 60, §6005 & §6013)
• Traffic conditions or mechanical difficulties
• Conform to manufacturer's specifications
• Repair
• Emergency vehicles
• Using auxiliary equipment/power takeoff
• Power during sleeping or resting beyond 25 miles of truck stop with available electrified equipment
• Vehicle safety inspections
Regulation 45, Excessive Idling of Heavy Duty Vehicles.
Delaware Division of Air & Waste Management (302) 739-9402,
District of Columbia
Maximum Idling Time - 3 minutes
(5 minutes if less than 32° F)
Fines: $500, doubles for each subsequent violation
• Power takeoff
District of Columbia Municipal Regulations Title 20, §900.1.
District of Columbia Department of Health Environmental Health Administration
Air Quality Division (202) 535-2257,
Maximum Idling Time - 5 minutes
Fines: TBD
• Traffic conditions
• Emergency or law enforcement purposes
• Verify vehicle is safe to operate
• Power work-related operations
• Prevent safety or health emergency
• Sleeping or resting in a sleeper berth (exemption expires Sept. 30, 2013)
Heavy-Duty Vehicle Idling Reduction.
Department of Environmental Protection, Air Resource Management
(850) 488-0114,
Maximum Idling Time - To be determined
• To be determined
Eliminating Unnecessary Idling of Heavy-Duty Vehicles.
Environmental Protection Division, Air Protection Branch
(404) 363-7000,
City of Atlanta, Georgia
Maximum Idling Time - 15 minutes
(25 minutes if less than 32° F for passenger comfort/safety)
Fines: $500 minimum
• To perform needed work
• Traffic conditions
• Natural gas or electric vehicles
Code of Ordinances §150.97(c).
City of Atlanta, Office of Transportation (404) 330-6501,
Maximum Idling Time
"No person shall cause, suffer, or allow any engine to be in operation while the motor vehicle is stationary at a loading zone, parking or servicing area, route terminal or other off street areas..." (3 minutes for start up/cool down or passenger loading/unloading)
Fines: Not <$25 nor >$2,500 per day (106 HRS §342B-47)
• Adjustment or repair
• Auxiliary equipment or power takeoff
• Passenger loading/unloading = 3 min.
• At start-up and cool-down for more than 3 min.
Hawaii Administrative Rules §1160.1-34.
Hawaii State Department of Health, Clean Air Branch (808) 586-4200,
Cities: Aux Sable, Goose Lake, Oswego
Counties: Cook, DuPage, Lake, Kane, McHenry, Will, Madison, St. Claire, Monroe
Maximum Idling Time - 10 minutes within any 60 minute period (30 minutes within any 60 minute period: Waiting to weigh, load or unload freight; No limit: Less than 32° F or greater than 80° F)
Fines: $50 – 1st conviction; $150 – 2nd & subsequent convictions in 12 month period Exemptions
• Less than 8,000 lbs. GVWR
• Traffic conditions/controls
• Prevent a safety or health emergency
• Emergency or law enforcement purposes
• Service or repair
• Government inspection
• Power takeoffs involving cargo or work functions
• Resting in a sleeper berth
• Mechanical difficulties
• Queuing
625 Illinois Combined Statute 5/111429.
Illinois Department of Transportation (217) 782-7820,
Maximum Idling Time - 5 minutes in any 1 hour period
(No limit: < 0° F; 15 min/hr: 0°-32° F)
Fines: $25 – $500 - 1st offense; $150 – $500 for each subsequent offense
(MRSA, §585-K(5))
• Traffic conditions
• Prevent safety or health emergency
• Emergency or law enforcement purposes
• Maintenance, servicing, repairing or diagnostic purposes
• State or federal inspections
• Power work-related operations
• Sleeper berth a/c or heat during rest or sleep periods
• A/C or heat while waiting to load/unload
• Mechanical difficulties if receipt of repair is submitted w/in 30 days
Public Law, Chapter 582. Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles (207) 624-9000,
Maximum Idling Time - 5 minutes
Fines: Not <$500 (MC § 27-101(b))
• Traffic conditions or mechanical difficulties
• Heating, cooling or auxiliary equipment
• Conform to manufacturer's specifications
• Accomplish intended use
Maryland Transportation Code §22402(c)(3).
Maryland Department of the Environment (410) 537-3000,
Maximum Idling Time - 5 minutes
Fines: Not <$100 – 1st offense; Not <$500 for each succeeding offense
• Being serviced
• Delivery for which power is needed & alternatives unavailable
• Associate power needed & alternatives unavailable
General Laws of Massachusetts Ch. 90: § 16 A.
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (617) 292-5500,
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Maximum Idling Time - 0 minutes in residential areas between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. (including refrigeration units)
Fines: $700 maximum and/or 90 days imprisonment (Title 1, Ch. 1)
• Permitted construction equipment
• Compliance with traffic signals or signs
• Emergency or law enforcement purposes
Code of Ordinances, City of Minneapolis, Minnesota, Title 15, Ch. 389.100(7) & (8).
Minneapolis Environmental Management (612) 673-5897,
City of Owatonna, Minnesota
Maximum Idling Time - 15 minutes each 5 hours in residential areas
Fines: $1,000 maximum and/or 90 days imprisonment (Chapter XI, Section 1100:00)
Owatonna City Code, Chapter IX, Section 900:10. City of Owatonna (507) 444-4300,
City of St. Cloud, Minnesota
Maximum Idling Time - 5 minutes, West St. Germain Street from 8th to 10th Avenue
Fines: Not <$200 (SCOO §706:35)
St. Cloud City Ordinance §700:90. City of St. Cloud, Parking Violations (320) 255-7209,
City of St. Louis, Missouri
Maximum Idling Time - 10 minutes
Fines: Not <$1 nor >$500 and/or imprisonment for not >90 days (SLCO 64645 §26) Exemptions
• Emergency vehicles
St. Louis City Ordinance 64645 §14(D).
City of St. Louis, Department of Air Pollution Control (314) 613-7300,
St. Louis County, Missouri
Maximum Idling Time - 3 consecutive minutes
Fines: Maximum $1,000 and/or 1 year imprisonment (§612.390)
• Operating a loading, unloading, or processing device
• Emergency vehicles
St. Louis County Air Pollution Control Code §612.340.
St. Louis County Air Pollution Control (314) 615-8924,
Maximum Idling Time - 15 minutes
Fines: Not <$100 nor >$500 - 1st; Not <$500 nor >$1,000 - 2nd;
Not <$1,000 nor >$1,500 - 3rd; Not <$1,500 nor >$2,500 - 4th and subsequent; offense(s) over a 3-year period (NAC445B.727)
• Variance has been issued
• Emergency vehicles
• Snow removal equipment
• Repair or maintain other vehicles
• Traffic congestion
• Maintenance at repair facility
• Emission contained & treated per Commission
• To perform specific task
NV Administrative Code Ch. 445B.576.
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection; Bureau of Air Pollution Control
(775) 687-9350,
Clark County, Nevada (including Las Vegas)
Maximum Idling Time - 15 minutes
Fines: Not >$10,000 (CCAQR §09)
• Variance has been issued
• Emergency vehicles
• Repair or maintain other vehicles
• Traffic congestion
• Emission contained & treated per Control Officer
• To perform a specific task
• Maintenance at repair facility
Clark Co. Air Quality Regs. §45.
Clark County Department of Air Quality Management (702) 455-5942,
Washoe County, Nevada (including Reno)
Maximum Idling Time - 15 minutes
Fines: Not >$250 - 1st offense; Not <$250 nor >$500 - 2nd and subsequent offenses (WCDBHR §020.040(E))
• Emergency vehicles
• Snow removal equipment
• Repair or maintain other vehicles
• Traveling on public right-of-way
• To perform specific task
• Maintenance at repair facility
Washoe Co. District Board of Health Regs. §040.200.
Washoe County District Health Department, Air Quality Management (775) 784-7200,
New Hampshire
Maximum Idling Time - 5 minutes if greater than 32° F (15 minutes: 32° F to -10° F) Fines: TBD
• Traffic conditions
• Emergency vehicles
• Power takeoff or heat/cool passengers
• Maintenance or diagnostics
• Defrost windshield
• Less than -10° F
Air Resources Division Admin. Rules Env-A 1101.05.
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services,
Air Resources Division (603) 271-1370,
New Jersey
Maximum Idling Time - 3 minutes (15 min. if stopped for greater than or equal to 3 hrs & <25° F
Fines: $100 for 1st; $200 for 2nd; $500 for 3rd; $1,500 for 4th; and subsequent offenses. (NJAC 7:27A3.10) (m) (14))
Penalties: For commercial vehicle and property owner, $250 for 1st violation, $500 for 2nd violation, $1,000 for 3rd and each subsequent violation.
• Traffic conditions
• Mechanical operations
• Waiting or being inspected
• Performing emergency services
• Being repaired or serviced
• Use of sleeper berth in non-residential areas (before April 30, 2010)
• Auxiliary power unit/generator set, bunk heaters, etc.
New Jersey Administrative Code Title 7, Ch. 27-14.3.
New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection, Air Quality Management, Regulatory Development (609) 292-2795,
New York
Maximum Idling Time - 5 minutes
Fines: Not <$375 nor >$15,000 - 1st offense; Not >$22,500 - 2nd offense & subsequent offenses (NYSCL Ch. 43-B, §71,2103(1))
• Traffic conditions
• Comply with passenger comfort laws
• Auxiliary power or maintenance
• Emergency vehicles
• Within mines or quarries
• Parked for more than 2 hrs. & less than 25° F
• State Inspections
• Recharging hybrid electric vehicles
• Farm vehicles
• Electric vehicles
New York Code of Rules & Regulations Title 6, Ch. 3 Part 2173.2.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; Division of Air Resources (518) 402-8292,
New York City, New York
Maximum Idling Time - 3 minutes
Fines: Not <$50 nor >$500 and/or imprisonment for 20 days - 1st;
Not <$100 nor >$1,000 and/or imprisonment for not >30 days - 2nd offense;
Not <$400 nor >$5,000 and/or imprisonment for not >4 months - 3rd & subsequent offenses. (NYCAC 24190(g))
• Emergency vehicles
• Operate loading, unloading or processing device
New York City Administrative Code Title 24-163.
New York City Department of Environmental Protection (212) 639-9675,
New Rochelle, New York
Maximum Idling Time - 5 minutes
Fines: Not more than $50 and/or 15 days imprisonment - 1st offense;
Not more than $100 and/or 45 days imprisonment - 2nd offense within 18 months;
Not more than $250 and/or 90 days imprisonment - 3rd & subsequent offenses within 18 months. (CCNR §312-68)
• Traffic conditions
• Comply with passenger comfort laws
• Auxiliary power or maintenance
• Emergency vehicles
• Within mines or quarries
• Parked for more than 2 hrs. & less than 25° F
• State inspections
• Recharging hybrid electric vehicles
• Farm vehicles
• Electric vehicles
Code of the City of New Rochelle, Part II, Ch. 312, Art. II, §312-33.
City of New Rochelle, Code Enforcement/Abatement (914) 654-2051,
Rockland County, New York
Maximum Idling Time - 3 consecutive minutes
Fines: Not >$250 and/or 15 days imprisonment for 1st; Not >$1,000 and/or 15 days imprisonment for 2nd & subsequent offenses (LL #4, § 4)
• Traffic conditions
• Comply with passenger comfort laws
• Power for auxiliary purposes
• Maintenance
• Performing emergency services
Laws of Rockland Co. Part II, Ch. 377.
Rockland County Department of Health (845) 364-2512,
North Carolina PENDING
Maximum Idling Time - To be determined
• To be determined
Heavy-Duty Vehicle Idling Restrictions.
Department of Environment and Natural Resources,
Division of Air Quality (919) 733-3340,
Maximum Idling Time - 5 minutes in any 1 hour period (15 min/hr if sampling, weighing, or loading or unloading)
Fines: $150 - $300 per offense (plus civil penalties up to $1,000)
• Traffic conditions
• Prevent safety or health emergencies
• Comply with manufacturer's specifications
• Emergency or law enforcement purposes
• Maintenance or repair
• Government or security inspections
• Power work-related operations
• Mechanical difficulties
• Sleeper berth a/c or heat during rest or sleep periods when temperatures
< 40° F or > 75° F and parked legally (exemption expires May 1, 2010)
• Vehicles with CARB low—NOx idle labels
Diesel Idling Reduction Rule. Department of Environmental Protection,
Bureau of Air Quality (717) 787-9702,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
Maximum Idling Time - 5 minutes
(20 min./hour if less than 40° F or more than 75° F)
Fines: Warning - 1st offense; $100 - 2nd offense; $500 - 3rd & subsequent offenses
• Traffic conditions
• Boarding & discharging passengers
• Queuing
• Cool down/warm up per manufacturer's recommendations
• Sleeping/resting in truck
• Safety inspections
• Ensure safe operation
• Emergency vehicles
• Power accessory or service equipment
• Repair or diagnostics
County of Allegheny Ordinance No. 16782, §2105.92.
Allegheny County Health Department, Air Pollution Control (412) 687-2243,
City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Maximum Idling Time - 2 minutes or 0 minutes for layovers (5 min. if less than 32° F)
(20 min. if less than 20° F)
Fine: $300
Air Management Reg. IX §3(A). Philadelphia Department of Public Health,
Air Management Services (215) 685-7578,
Rhode Island
Maximum Idling Time - 5 minutes in any 1 hour period (No limit: <0° F; 15 min./hr. between 0° and 32° F)
Fines: Not >$100 -1st offense; Not >$500 for each succeeding offense (APCR §45.6) Exemptions
• Traffic conditions
• Ensure health or safety of driver/passengers
• Power work-related operations
• Sleeper cabs during federally mandated rest periods (exemption expires July 1, 2010)
• Maintenance, servicing, repairing or diagnostic purposes
• State or federal inspections
• Emergency or law enforcement purposes
• Auxiliary power unit/generator set
Air Pollution Control Regulation No.45. Department of Environmental Management, Office of Air Resources (401) 222-6800,
South Carolina
Maximum Idling Time - 10 minutes in any 1 hour period
Fines: $75 for each offense (effective July 1, 2009) (SCCL §56-35-40)
• Traffic conditions
• Prevent safety or health emergency
• Emergency or law enforcement purposes
• Maintenance, servicing, repairing or diagnostic purposes
• State or federal inspections
• Power work-related operations
• Sleeper berth a/c or heat during (a) rest or sleep periods; (b) <40° F or >80° F; or (c) at rest areas, terminals, truck stops or legal parking locations >500 ft. from homes or schools
• While waiting to load/unload
South Carolina Code of Laws 56-35-10.
State Transport Police (803) 896-5500,
Cities: Austin, Bastrop, Elgin, Lockhart, Round Rock, San Marcos
Counties: Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis, Williamson
Maximum Idling Time - 5 minutes, April – October (30 minutes for bus passenger comfort or transit operations)
Fine: Varies by jurisdiction
• 14,000 lbs. GVW or less
• Traffic conditions
• Emergency or law enforcement
• To perform needed work
• Maintenance or diagnostics
• Defrost windshield
• Airport ground support
• Rented/leased vehicles
• Hours of service compliance
Texas Administrative Code Title 30 § 114.512.
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (512) 239-1000,
Maximum Idling Time
"A person operating or in charge of a motor vehicle may not permit the vehicle to stand unattended without: (a) stopping the engine..."
Fines: Not >$750 and/or not >90 days imprisonment (UC 76-3-204; 301)
Utah Code Title 41-6a-1403. Utah Department of Public Safety (801) 965-4461,
Salt Lake Count, Utah
Maximum Idling Time - 15 minutes
Fines: Not >$1,000 and/or not >6 months imprisonment - 1st; Not >$2,500 and/or not >1 year imprisonment - 2nd & following; offense(s) within 2 years (UC 76-3-204; 301) Exemptions
• Power refrigeration unit if greater than 500 ft. from any residence
• Heat/cool sleeper berth if greater than 500 ft. from any residence
• Emergency vehicles
Salt Lake City-County Health Dept. Regulation #28 4.1.9.
Salt Lake Valley Health Department, Environmental Health Services,
Air Pollution Control (801) 313-6720,
Maximum Idling Time - 10 minutes for diesel vehicles (3 minutes for all other vehicles) in commercial or residential urban areas
Fines: Not >$25,000 (CV 10.1-1316)
• Auxiliary power
Virginia Administrative Code, Title 9, 5-40-5670(B).
Virginia Dept. of Environmental Quality
(804) 698-4000,